Looking to optimise your health and vitality?

Use the power of advanced functional testing and analysis from a qualified Clinical Nutritionist to elevate your wellness journey.

If you’re told everything is fine, but you know you’re not your healthiest self…

Let us help you unlock your potential!

At Wellbeingeorge Nutrition, we have a “no diet” approach and work towards supporting positive, sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes, rather than “quick fad” diets that may leave you back in the same place you started. We work collaboratively with clients to create healthy relationships with food and their bodies whilst using a macro-balanced approach.

We have a passion for treating:

  • All gastrointestinal conditions, including coeliac disease, leaky gut, SIBO, allergies and intolerances, IBS, IBD or chronic bloating

  • Methylation and genetic DNA testing

  • Healthy weight management, metabolism support and detoxification

  • Hormonal imbalances, PCOS, endo, fibroids, peri/menopause

  • Mental health including nutrition to support anxiety and depression, ADHD, energy, stress and sleep

  • Thyroid conditions, autoimmune disease and immune system support

Book in for a FREE 15 minute chat and be guided in the right direction!

NEW: Resources


1:1 Nutritional Guidance

Practitioners offer consultations to nourish your body through the power of nutrition as well as targeted programs to help gain control of habits that no longer support your body.

Functional Testing Packages

We offer a selection of functional testing packages to elevate your health and wellbeing.

Select packages include PERSONALISED video analysis of your results for your convenience or 1:1 in-depth consultations!

Client Testimonials

“I have never felt better. Georgie has guided me and provided me with the knowledge and tools to achieve my health and wellbeing goals. With Georgie’s guidance I am eating more of the right food (which is delicious!) with a personalised plan that suits my lifestyle. I highly recommend Georgie to help you achieve your health and wellness goals”.

— Tara

“She built a program that matched not only my goals, but my lifestyle. She coached, supported, and guided me to be my optimal best. She took a clinical approach and wrapped what she learnt in care, kindness, and education. I lost 5kgs with her help, improved my energy, reduced the brain fog but mostly I learnt to be kind and make better choices under her guidance and care. Since I have referred my husband, he has reduced his blood pressure, glucose levels and now drinks water! FIVE stars from me, Georgie Thank you”

— Kate

“Georgie has been fabulous at helping to identify and fix what were chronic stomach conditions I've suffered from for 8 years. No GP or Specialist was able to resolve it in any way previously and all it took was one session and some blood tests!”

— Roger